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Frozen Foods

Frozen food refers to food items that have been subjected to freezing and preserved at low temperatures to extend their shelf life. Freezing is a widely used method of food preservation, as it slows down the growth of microorganisms and enzymes, preventing spoilage. By conducting tests in Idhayam parikshan Labs Limited it helps to ensure that frozen food meets quality and safety standards, providing consumers with reliable and safe options for convenient meals.

Testing frozen foods in Idhayam Parikshan labs Limited is crucial to ensure their safety, quality, and compliance with regulatory standards. Frozen foods, like other food products, undergo various tests to guarantee that they are free from contaminants, have the right nutritional content, and are safe for consumption.

Microbiological Testing

This involves checking frozen foods for the presence of harmful bacteria, viruses, molds, and other microorganisms. Pathogenic bacteria can survive in frozen conditions, making it essential to ensure that the freezing process and storage conditions prevent microbial contamination.

Chemical Analysis

Frozen foods are tested for chemical contaminants, including pesticides, additives, preservatives, and other chemicals. Chemical analysis ensures that the frozen foods do not contain harmful substances that could pose health risks.

Nutritional Analysis

Analyzing the nutritional content of frozen foods helps in determining their overall quality and nutritional value. This includes testing for macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats), micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), and other nutritional components.

Sensory Evaluation

Trained sensory panels assess the taste, texture, color, and aroma of frozen foods. Sensory evaluation ensures that frozen foods maintain their quality attributes even after freezing and thawing.

Physical Testing

This includes tests for factors like ice crystal formation, texture changes, and changes in appearance that can occur during freezing, storage, and thawing processes. Physical testing helps in evaluating the integrity of frozen foods.

Allergen Testing

Frozen foods are tested for the presence of common allergens like nuts, soy, gluten, dairy, etc. Accurate allergen testing is vital to prevent allergic reactions in individuals with food allergies.

Packaging Integrity Testing

Ensuring that the packaging of frozen foods is intact is essential to prevent freezer burn and maintain the quality of the product. Packaging integrity testing involves evaluating seals and barriers to assess the packaging’s effectiveness.

Shelf Life Studies

Idhayam Parikshan Labs Limited conducts studies to determine the shelf life of frozen foods under different storage conditions. This information helps in setting appropriate storage and expiration dates for frozen products.

Compliance with Regulations:

Frozen foods must comply with labeling regulations, including nutritional labeling, ingredient lists, and other mandatory information. Testing labs ensure that frozen foods meet these regulatory requirements.

These tests are essential for food manufacturers, restaurants, catering services, and other food businesses to ensure the quality and safety of their cooked food products. Idhayam Parikshan labs Limited provides valuable information that helps businesses adhere to food safety regulations and maintain high-quality standards for their products.

Our Services

Physical parameters

Quality Parameters

Nutritional parameters

Metals & Minerals





Banned Dyes


Antibiotics is applicable Honey, Meat, fish.

Food Colours and Food Preservatives

Microbiological parameters

Shelf life Study

Anti-Microbial Activity

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