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Edible common Salt

Idhayam Parikshan Labs tests edible common salt, testing process involves various analyses, including checking for sodium chloride content, iodine concentration (if iodized), anti-caking agents, heavy metals, microbial contamination, and compliance with regulatory standards. The goal is to ensure that the salt meets the necessary purity requirements and poses no health risks to consumers.

This comprehensive testing process is crucial for safeguarding public health and ensuring that consumers receive high-quality, safe, and compliant edible common salt. Idhayam Parikshan labs play a critical role in upholding quality standards. The testing process  described aligns with standard procedures followed by food testing laboratories

Sodium Chloride Content

Quantification of the percentage of sodium chloride in the salt. This ensures that the salt meets the required purity standards.

Iodine Content

For iodized salt, testing ensures the correct concentration of added iodine, which is essential for preventing iodine deficiency disorders

Heavy Metals

Analysis for the presence of heavy metals like lead, Arsenic, mercury, and cadmium, which can be harmful if present in excessive amounts.

Microbial Contamination

Testing for bacteria, molds, and yeast to ensure that the salt is free from harmful microorganisms.

Iodine and Bromine Testing

Ensuring that the levels of iodine and bromine, if present, are within permissible limits.

Moisture Content

Determining the moisture content to assess the quality and stability of the salt.

pH Level

Measuring the pH of the salt to ensure it falls within the acceptable range.

Label Verification

Confirming that the salt product is accurately labeled, including the sodium chloride content, iodine concentration (if applicable), and any other additives.

Sodium Reduction Claims

Verifying the accuracy of claims related to sodium reduction in low-sodium or reduced-sodium salt products.

Particle Size Analysis

Ensuring consistency in the particle size of the salt crystals.

Color Analysis

Checking for any unusual coloration that may indicate impurities.

Idhayam Parikshan labs use a combination of chemical, physical, and sensory analyses to ensure that edible common salt is safe for consumption and meets the necessary quality standards. This testing is crucial to safeguard public health and ensure the accuracy of product labeling.

Our Services

Physical parameters

Quality Parameters

Nutritional parameters

Metals & Minerals





Banned Dyes


Antibiotics is applicable Honey, Meat, fish.

Food Colours and Food Preservatives

Microbiological parameters

Shelf life Study

Anti-Microbial Activity

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