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Cosmetic testing involves a range of evaluations to ensure the safety, quality, and efficacy of cosmetic products. The testing procedures may vary depending on the type of cosmetic, its intended use, and regulatory requirements. It’s worth noting that there is a growing trend within the cosmetic industry to move away from animal testing and explore alternative methods, such as in vitro testing and computer modeling, to ensure the safety of cosmetic products.

Regulations regarding cosmetic testing vary globally, and some regions have implemented restrictions or bans on animal testing for cosmetics. Companies are increasingly adopting cruelty-free practices and seeking alternatives to animal testing in response to consumer preferences and regulatory changes.

Patch Testing

Evaluates the potential for skin irritation or allergic reactions by applying the product to a small area of skin.

Eye Irritation Testing

Determines the likelihood of eye irritation, often crucial for products applied near the eyes.

Ensures that cosmetic products are free from harmful microorganisms, preventing infections or other adverse reactions.

Geographical Origin Verification

Assesses the stability of cosmetics under various conditions, including temperature, humidity, and light exposure, to ensure product quality over time.

Moisturizing Claims

Determines the product’s ability to moisturize the skin.

Anti-Aging Claims

Evaluates the effectiveness of anti-aging products.

Sunscreen Efficacy

Measures the ability of sunscreens to protect against UV radiation.

Verifies the composition of cosmetic ingredients to ensure they meet regulatory requirements and are accurately labeled

Identifies potential allergens in cosmetic formulations, crucial for products applied to the skin.

Ensures that the cosmetic product is compatible with various skin types and does not cause adverse reactions.

Determines the product’s potential to cause irritation on the skin

Ensures that cosmetic products meet the regulatory standards and guidelines set by relevant health and safety authorities.

Cosmetic testing aims to ensure that products are safe for consumer use, deliver on their intended benefits, and comply with regulatory standards. The industry is evolving to adopt more ethical and scientifically advanced testing methods to meet these objectives. cosmetic testing is a comprehensive process that involves various evaluations to guarantee the safety, quality, and effectiveness of cosmetic products.

Our Services

Physical parameters

Quality Parameters

Metals & Minerals


Microbiological parameters

Shelf life Study

Shelf life Study

Banned Dyes

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